Journalist with experience covering human rights and environmental issues.
Experts question benefits of Colombian forestation project led by top oil trader
Trafigura, one of the world’s largest oil traders, has recently invested $100 million to grow 30,000 hectares (74,000 acres) of forest in the eastern plains of Colombia’s Vichada department.
‘World’s largest’ carbon credit deal in the Amazon faces bumpy road ahead
The Brazilian state of Pará has agreed to sell millions of carbon credits to multinational corporations, including Amazon, Bayer and Walmart Foundation, but many challenges loom.
Mensagens revelam quem são os cientistas de confiança da Bayer no Brasil
A Repórter Brasil teve acesso aos “Monsanto Papers”, série de documentos internos da empresa comprada em 2016 pela multinacional alemã Bayer.
‘We need white men to save the Amazon,’ 92-year-old Indigenous Chief Raoni says
Indigenous leaders gathered at New York Climate Week to call on global leaders to address the unprecedented drought and wildfire crisis in the Amazon Rainforest.
Campeão no uso de agrotóxicos, Mato Grosso tem municípios agrícolas com maior risco de mortes fetais e anomalias em bebês
Análise aponta que risco dessas condições graves aumenta em cidades com 5% ou mais da área dedicada a plantações.
Los niños enfermos de la agricultura brasileña
Una investigación expone la relación entre el uso de pesticidas y el aumento de enfermedades graves entre los bebés de las zonas rurales.
Os filhos doentes da agricultura brasileira
Investigação expõe a relação entre o uso de agrotóxicos e o aumento de condições graves entre bebês do campo.
The sick children of Brazilian agriculture
Research exposes the link between the use of pesticides and the increase in serious health conditions among rural babies.
Trabalhadores pardos e amarelos do Centro-Oeste têm mais risco de morrer no calor
Pesquisa da Universidade Estadual de Maringá mostra como calor excessivo aumenta chances de acidentes de trabalho, inclusive com mortes; Profissionais no Centro-Oeste, pardos ou amarelos, entre 41 e 60 anos, estão sujeitos a um excesso de risco.
In a fight to save a rare bird, Indigenous communities in Guyana are winning
The red siskin has long been sought out by illegal bird traders and breeders due to its unique red-and-black plumage and cheerful song. The endangered species had almost disappeared from tropical South America until a population was recorded in Guyana.
Fraud and corruption drive illegal wildlife trade in the Amazon
A new report has found that wildlife smugglers employ sophisticated methods to smuggle species from the Brazilian rainforest, including widespread fraud and corruption. Multiple reports of bribery within traffic routes originating in Brazil, including of the public officials responsible for wildlife protection, are also present.
Aquecimento global dobrou os riscos de chuvas devastadoras no RS
As chuvas que arrasaram o Rio Grande do Sul e levaram a 172 mortes foram fortemente influenciadas pelo aquecimento global e pelo fenômeno natural El Niño. Um relatório publicado nesta segunda-feira (3) pelo WWA (World Weather Attribution) concluiu que cada um deles duplicou as chances de precipitação histórica.
“We have no tears left to cry:” Brazilian city ruined three times by intense flooding
On Wednesday, May 4, muddy waters flooded the streets of Muçum, a municipality with four thousand inhabitants in Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state of Brazil. Euclides Ferreira dos Santos, 75, and his family knew what to do.
“Não temos mais lágrimas pra chorar”: A cidade gaúcha destruída pela 3ª vez por enchentes
Na quarta-feira, 4 de maio, uma água lamacenta tomou conta das ruas de Muçum, município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Foi a terceira vez em menos de um ano que as famílias da cidade perderam tudo.
Indigenous efforts to save Peru’s Marañon River could spell trouble for big oil
In March, the Federation of Kukama Indigenous Women in the Parinari district of Loreto won a lawsuit against the oil company Petroperú and the Peruvian government, protecting the Marañon River from oil pollution.